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Creating Themes - Topics - Hag GUI for Cobra - Static

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Creating Themes - Topics - Hag GUI for Cobra

Hag themes or "skins" consist of a folder containing a compiled theme file (e.g. "XP.bin") and several images that are used by Hag to draw complete GUI elements.

Themes must be placed in the themes\gui\ folder inside the hag base directory of any program that uses this unit.

Some themes may include a human-readable script file, e.g. "XP.bsd", that is used by the Hag Theme Compiler to create the compiled theme file. You can edit this file using any text editor, e.g. notepad, and use the Theme Compiler to create the binary theme file that Hag can use. The theme compiler can be found in the base hag directory.

Example Usage: ThemeCompiler.exe themes\gui\XP\XP.bsd

You do not have to redistribute the theme compiler or the theme .bsd script for a theme to work - only the compiled .bin file and images.

This is an example .bsd theme used by the Theme Compiler:

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Theme Info
# -----------------------------------------------------------
$ Name = Example
$ Author = Author
$ Desc = This is an example theme
$ Version = 20100216
! Compatible = 2
# -----------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Notes
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# This theme data is compiled into binary - without a copy of
# the HAG Theme Compiler, editing it will have no effect.
# All colors should be given in length 3 or length 6 hex.
# e.g. 	#000 = black, #FFF = white, #F00 = red, #0F0 = green,
# 		#00F = blue, #FF0 = yellow, #F90 = orange,
#		#FFF = #FFFFFF, #000 = #000000, #123 = #112233
# Alpha should be given in range 0 to 255.
# See const.bsd in the directory of the HAG Theme Compiler for
# a list of accepted fontStyle and textAlignment constants,
# although note that some textAlignment styles are not always
# valid (e.g. radio buttons cannot be centered)
# Simple boolean and integer maths are supported (but don't go
# wild). To insert one string into another, use the format
# $ mystring = prefix[variable]suffix
# -----------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Local Theme Options (these aren't compiled)
# -----------------------------------------------------------
$ font = arial
! size_medium = 10
! size_small = 10

? any_aaliasing = FALSE
? button_aaliasing = any_aaliasing AND TRUE
? radiobutton_aaliasing = any_aaliasing AND FALSE
? checkbox_aaliasing = any_aaliasing AND FALSE
? dropdown_aaliasing = any_aaliasing AND FALSE
? tab_aaliasing = any_aaliasing AND TRUE
? listbox_aaliasing = any_aaliasing AND FALSE

# Recommended background colour for this theme: (235,233,237)
# -----------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Buttons (normal, hover, focus, active)
# -----------------------------------------------------------

? button = TRUE

$ button_normal_fontName = [font]
! button_normal_fontSize = size_medium
! button_normal_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ button_normal_fontColor_rgb = 000
! button_normal_fontColor_alpha = 255
! button_normal_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_CENTER
? button_normal_textAAliasing = button_aaliasing

$ button_hover_fontName = [font]
! button_hover_fontSize = size_medium
! button_hover_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ button_hover_fontColor_rgb = 000
! button_hover_fontColor_alpha = 255
! button_hover_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_CENTER
? button_hover_textAAliasing = button_aaliasing

$ button_focus_fontName = [font]
! button_focus_fontSize = size_medium
! button_focus_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ button_focus_fontColor_rgb = 000
! button_focus_fontColor_alpha = 255
! button_focus_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_CENTER
? button_focus_textAAliasing = button_aaliasing

$ button_active_fontName = [font]
! button_active_fontSize = size_medium
! button_active_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ button_active_fontColor_rgb = 000
! button_active_fontColor_alpha = 255
! button_active_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_CENTER
? button_active_textAAliasing = button_aaliasing

$ button_disabled_fontName = [font]
! button_disabled_fontSize = size_medium
! button_disabled_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ button_disabled_fontColor_rgb = 777
! button_disabled_fontColor_alpha = 255
! button_disabled_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_CENTER
? button_disabled_textAAliasing = button_aaliasing

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Progress Bars
# -----------------------------------------------------------

# This element has no styles that can be applied to it.

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Radio Buttons (normal, hover, active, disabled)
# -----------------------------------------------------------

? radiobutton = TRUE

$ radiobutton_normal_unselected_fontName = [font]
! radiobutton_normal_unselected_fontSize = size_small
! radiobutton_normal_unselected_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ radiobutton_normal_unselected_fontColor_rgb = 000
! radiobutton_normal_unselected_fontColor_alpha = 255
! radiobutton_normal_unselected_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? radiobutton_normal_unselected_textAAliasing = radiobutton_aaliasing

$ radiobutton_hover_unselected_fontName = [font]
! radiobutton_hover_unselected_fontSize = size_small
! radiobutton_hover_unselected_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ radiobutton_hover_unselected_fontColor_rgb = 000
! radiobutton_hover_unselected_fontColor_alpha = 255
! radiobutton_hover_unselected_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? radiobutton_hover_unselected_textAAliasing = radiobutton_aaliasing

$ radiobutton_active_unselected_fontName = [font]
! radiobutton_active_unselected_fontSize = size_small
! radiobutton_active_unselected_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ radiobutton_active_unselected_fontColor_rgb = 000
! radiobutton_active_unselected_fontColor_alpha = 255
! radiobutton_active_unselected_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? radiobutton_active_unselected_textAAliasing = radiobutton_aaliasing

$ radiobutton_disabled_unselected_fontName = [font]
! radiobutton_disabled_unselected_fontSize = size_small
! radiobutton_disabled_unselected_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ radiobutton_disabled_unselected_fontColor_rgb = 777
! radiobutton_disabled_unselected_fontColor_alpha = 255
! radiobutton_disabled_unselected_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? radiobutton_disabled_unselected_textAAliasing = radiobutton_aaliasing

$ radiobutton_normal_selected_fontName = [font]
! radiobutton_normal_selected_fontSize = size_small
! radiobutton_normal_selected_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ radiobutton_normal_selected_fontColor_rgb = 000
! radiobutton_normal_selected_fontColor_alpha = 255
! radiobutton_normal_selected_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? radiobutton_normal_selected_textAAliasing = radiobutton_aaliasing

$ radiobutton_hover_selected_fontName = [font]
! radiobutton_hover_selected_fontSize = size_small
! radiobutton_hover_selected_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ radiobutton_hover_selected_fontColor_rgb = 000
! radiobutton_hover_selected_fontColor_alpha = 255
! radiobutton_hover_selected_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? radiobutton_hover_selected_textAAliasing = radiobutton_aaliasing

$ radiobutton_active_selected_fontName = [font]
! radiobutton_active_selected_fontSize = size_small
! radiobutton_active_selected_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ radiobutton_active_selected_fontColor_rgb = 000
! radiobutton_active_selected_fontColor_alpha = 255
! radiobutton_active_selected_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? radiobutton_active_selected_textAAliasing = radiobutton_aaliasing

$ radiobutton_disabled_selected_fontName = [font]
! radiobutton_disabled_selected_fontSize = size_small
! radiobutton_disabled_selected_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ radiobutton_disabled_selected_fontColor_rgb = 777
! radiobutton_disabled_selected_fontColor_alpha = 255
! radiobutton_disabled_selected_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? radiobutton_disabled_selected_textAAliasing = radiobutton_aaliasing

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# CheckBoxes (normal, hover, active, disabled)
# -----------------------------------------------------------

? checkbox = TRUE

$ checkbox_normal_unselected_fontName = [font]
! checkbox_normal_unselected_fontSize = size_small
! checkbox_normal_unselected_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ checkbox_normal_unselected_fontColor_rgb = 000
! checkbox_normal_unselected_fontColor_alpha = 255
! checkbox_normal_unselected_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? checkbox_normal_unselected_textAAliasing = checkbox_aaliasing

$ checkbox_hover_unselected_fontName = [font]
! checkbox_hover_unselected_fontSize = size_small
! checkbox_hover_unselected_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ checkbox_hover_unselected_fontColor_rgb = 000
! checkbox_hover_unselected_fontColor_alpha = 255
! checkbox_hover_unselected_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? checkbox_hover_unselected_textAAliasing = checkbox_aaliasing

$ checkbox_active_unselected_fontName = [font]
! checkbox_active_unselected_fontSize = size_small
! checkbox_active_unselected_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ checkbox_active_unselected_fontColor_rgb = 000
! checkbox_active_unselected_fontColor_alpha = 255
! checkbox_active_unselected_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? checkbox_active_unselected_textAAliasing = checkbox_aaliasing

$ checkbox_disabled_unselected_fontName = [font]
! checkbox_disabled_unselected_fontSize = size_small
! checkbox_disabled_unselected_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ checkbox_disabled_unselected_fontColor_rgb = 777
! checkbox_disabled_unselected_fontColor_alpha = 255
! checkbox_disabled_unselected_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? checkbox_disabled_unselected_textAAliasing = checkbox_aaliasing

$ checkbox_normal_selected_fontName = [font]
! checkbox_normal_selected_fontSize = size_small
! checkbox_normal_selected_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ checkbox_normal_selected_fontColor_rgb = 000
! checkbox_normal_selected_fontColor_alpha = 255
! checkbox_normal_selected_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? checkbox_normal_selected_textAAliasing = checkbox_aaliasing

$ checkbox_hover_selected_fontName = [font]
! checkbox_hover_selected_fontSize = size_small
! checkbox_hover_selected_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ checkbox_hover_selected_fontColor_rgb = 000
! checkbox_hover_selected_fontColor_alpha = 255
! checkbox_hover_selected_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? checkbox_hover_selected_textAAliasing = checkbox_aaliasing

$ checkbox_active_selected_fontName = [font]
! checkbox_active_selected_fontSize = size_small
! checkbox_active_selected_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ checkbox_active_selected_fontColor_rgb = 000
! checkbox_active_selected_fontColor_alpha = 255
! checkbox_active_selected_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? checkbox_active_selected_textAAliasing = checkbox_aaliasing

$ checkbox_disabled_selected_fontName = [font]
! checkbox_disabled_selected_fontSize = size_small
! checkbox_disabled_selected_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ checkbox_disabled_selected_fontColor_rgb = 777
! checkbox_disabled_selected_fontColor_alpha = 255
! checkbox_disabled_selected_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? checkbox_disabled_selected_textAAliasing = checkbox_aaliasing

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Textboxes (default, disabled, selection, cursor, pointer)
#			[normal, hover, focused, disabled]
# textbox_pointer_width will be divided by two to make
# mouse-selection more accurate (I know that here is hardly
# the most ideal place to specify it, considering that the
# text mouse pointer may be of a different width to that
# specified, so be aware that this setting may move soon).
# -----------------------------------------------------------

? textbox = TRUE

$ textbox_default_fontName = arial
! textbox_default_fontSize = 10
$ textbox_default_fontColor_rgb = 000
! textbox_default_fontColor_alpha = 255

$ textbox_disabled_fontColor_rgb = 777
! textbox_disabled_fontColor_alpha = 255

$ textbox_selection_fontColor_rgb = FFF
! textbox_selection_fontColor_alpha = 255
$ textbox_selection_backColor_rgb = 5E81BC
! textbox_selection_backColor_alpha = 255

$ textbox_cursor_color_rgb = 000
! textbox_cursor_color_alpha = 255
! textbox_cursor_width = 2
! textbox_cursor_height = 15

! textbox_pointer_width = 6

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Text (normal, title, href)
# -----------------------------------------------------------

? text = TRUE

$ text_normal_fontName = arial
! text_normal_fontSize = 10
! text_normal_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ text_normal_fontColor_rgb = 000
! text_normal_fontColor_alpha = 255
! text_normal_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? text_normal_textAAliasing = FALSE

$ text_title_fontName = arial
! text_title_fontSize = 14
! text_title_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ text_title_fontColor_rgb = 000
! text_title_fontColor_alpha = 255
! text_title_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? text_title_textAAliasing = TRUE

$ text_href_fontName = arial
! text_href_fontSize = 10
! text_href_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_UNDERLINED
$ text_href_fontColor_rgb = 00F
! text_href_fontColor_alpha = 255
! text_href_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? text_href_textAAliasing = FALSE

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# DropDowns (normal, hover, active, disabled)
# -----------------------------------------------------------

? dropdown = TRUE

$ dropdown_normal_fontName = arial
! dropdown_normal_fontSize = 10
! dropdown_normal_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ dropdown_normal_fontColor_rgb = 000
! dropdown_normal_fontColor_alpha = 255
! dropdown_normal_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? dropdown_normal_textAAliasing = dropdown_aaliasing

$ dropdown_hover_fontName = arial
! dropdown_hover_fontSize = 10
! dropdown_hover_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ dropdown_hover_fontColor_rgb = 000
! dropdown_hover_fontColor_alpha = 255
! dropdown_hover_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? dropdown_hover_textAAliasing = dropdown_aaliasing

$ dropdown_active_fontName = arial
! dropdown_active_fontSize = 10
! dropdown_active_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ dropdown_active_fontColor_rgb = 000
! dropdown_active_fontColor_alpha = 255
! dropdown_active_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? dropdown_active_textAAliasing = dropdown_aaliasing

$ dropdown_disabled_fontName = arial
! dropdown_disabled_fontSize = 10
! dropdown_disabled_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ dropdown_disabled_fontColor_rgb = 777
! dropdown_disabled_fontColor_alpha = 255
! dropdown_disabled_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? dropdown_disabled_textAAliasing = dropdown_aaliasing

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# DropDown Box Items (normal, hover)
# -----------------------------------------------------------

! dropdown_box_above_yoffset = 2
! dropdown_box_below_yoffset = -2

$ dropdown_box_normal_fontName = arial
! dropdown_box_normal_fontSize = 10
! dropdown_box_normal_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ dropdown_box_normal_fontColor_rgb = 000
! dropdown_box_normal_fontColor_alpha = 255
! dropdown_box_normal_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? dropdown_box_normal_textAAliasing = dropdown_aaliasing

$ dropdown_box_hover_fontName = arial
! dropdown_box_hover_fontSize = 10
! dropdown_box_hover_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ dropdown_box_hover_fontColor_rgb = FFF
! dropdown_box_hover_fontColor_alpha = 255
$ dropdown_box_hover_backColor_rgb = 5E81BC
! dropdown_box_hover_backColor_alpha = 255
! dropdown_box_hover_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? dropdown_box_hover_textAAliasing = dropdown_aaliasing

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Listbox Items (normal, active, hover, disabled)
# -----------------------------------------------------------

? listbox = TRUE

$ listbox_normal_fontName = arial
! listbox_normal_fontSize = 10
! listbox_normal_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ listbox_normal_fontColor_rgb = 000
! listbox_normal_fontColor_alpha = 255
$ listbox_normal_backColor_rgb = FFF
! listbox_normal_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? listbox_normal_textAAliasing = listbox_aaliasing

$ listbox_hover_fontName = arial
! listbox_hover_fontSize = 10
! listbox_hover_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ listbox_hover_fontColor_rgb = 000
! listbox_hover_fontColor_alpha = 255
$ listbox_hover_backColor_rgb = FFF
! listbox_hover_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? listbox_hover_textAAliasing = listbox_aaliasing

$ listbox_active_fontName = arial
! listbox_active_fontSize = 10
! listbox_active_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ listbox_active_fontColor_rgb = FFF
! listbox_active_fontColor_alpha = 255
$ listbox_active_backColor_rgb = 00A
! listbox_active_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? listbox_active_textAAliasing = listbox_aaliasing

$ listbox_disabled_fontName = arial
! listbox_disabled_fontSize = 10
! listbox_disabled_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ listbox_disabled_fontColor_rgb = 777
! listbox_disabled_fontColor_alpha = 255
$ listbox_disabled_backColor_rgb = FFF
! listbox_disabled_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? listbox_disabled_textAAliasing = listbox_aaliasing

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Tabs (inactive, hover, active)
# -----------------------------------------------------------

? tab = TRUE

$ tab_inactive_fontName = [font]
! tab_inactive_fontSize = size_medium
! tab_inactive_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ tab_inactive_fontColor_rgb = 000
! tab_inactive_fontColor_alpha = 255
! tab_inactive_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_CENTER
? tab_inactive_textAAliasing = tab_aaliasing

$ tab_hover_fontName = [font]
! tab_hover_fontSize = size_medium
! tab_hover_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ tab_hover_fontColor_rgb = 000
! tab_hover_fontColor_alpha = 255
! tab_hover_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_CENTER
? tab_hover_textAAliasing = tab_aaliasing

$ tab_active_fontName = [font]
! tab_active_fontSize = size_medium
! tab_active_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ tab_active_fontColor_rgb = 000
! tab_active_fontColor_alpha = 255
! tab_active_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_CENTER
? tab_active_textAAliasing = tab_aaliasing

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Frames
# -----------------------------------------------------------

? frame = TRUE

# Placeholder styles
$ frame_tab_fontName = null
! frame_tab_fontSize = 0
! frame_tab_fontStyle = 0
$ frame_tab_fontColor_rgb = 000
! frame_tab_fontColor_alpha = 0
! frame_tab_textAlignment = 0
? frame_tab_textAAliasing = FALSE

$ frame_roundborder_fontName = [font]
! frame_roundborder_fontSize = 8
! frame_roundborder_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_NORMAL
$ frame_roundborder_fontColor_rgb = 4C7AD0
! frame_roundborder_fontColor_alpha = 255
! frame_roundborder_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? frame_roundborder_textAAliasing = FALSE

$ frame_roundsolid_fontName = [font]
! frame_roundsolid_fontSize = size_medium
! frame_roundsolid_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_BOLD
$ frame_roundsolid_fontColor_rgb = 000
! frame_roundsolid_fontColor_alpha = 255
! frame_roundsolid_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? frame_roundsolid_textAAliasing = any_aaliasing

# Placeholder styles
$ frame_squareborder_fontName = null
! frame_squareborder_fontSize = 0
! frame_squareborder_fontStyle = 0
$ frame_squareborder_fontColor_rgb = 000
! frame_squareborder_fontColor_alpha = 0
! frame_squareborder_textAlignment = 0
? frame_squareborder_textAAliasing = FALSE

# Placeholder styles
$ frame_squaresolid_fontName = null
! frame_squaresolid_fontSize = 0
! frame_squaresolid_fontStyle = 0
$ frame_squaresolid_fontColor_rgb = 000
! frame_squaresolid_fontColor_alpha = 0
! frame_squaresolid_textAlignment = 0
? frame_squaresolid_textAAliasing = FALSE

$ frame_mockwindow_fontName = [font]
! frame_mockwindow_fontSize = size_medium
! frame_mockwindow_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_BOLD
$ frame_mockwindow_fontColor_rgb = E0E0E0
! frame_mockwindow_fontColor_alpha = 255
! frame_mockwindow_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? frame_mockwindow_textAAliasing = any_aaliasing

$ frame_header_fontName = arial
! frame_header_fontSize = 12
! frame_header_fontStyle = HAG_FONT_BOLD
$ frame_header_fontColor_rgb = 000
! frame_header_fontColor_alpha = 255
! frame_header_textAlignment = HAG_TEXT_LEFT
? frame_header_textAAliasing = TRUE

For a theme named "Example", the following files (relative to the themes\gui\ folder) are required:













For each image the PNG alpha (transparency) channel is fully supported but only PNGs saved in RGB-mode will work - "indexed" PNG images will not.

Much of the theme behaviour is inferred automatically by the images. For example, the height of individual ListBox options (and therefore clickable area or padding of each one) is equal to the height of the \Example\listbox\normal_mid_mid.png image.

If an image is not found hag will look for a file with the suffix ".ptr", e.g.\Example\button\disabled_left.png becomes \Example\button\disabled_left.png.ptr. This file should contain a single line pointing to a file relative to the base of the theme directory to use instead, e.g. if the file contains the line "button\normal_left.png" then hag will load \Example\button\normal_left.png.

This is useful when theme images are identical, e.g. a disabled button may look the same as a normal button but the theme .bin file specifies that a different text colour should be used.

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